However, at GRIT we know bile duct diseases are serious and many people can be helped with the ERCP we perform. The bile ducts are tubes in the body that transport bile, a material that aids in digestion. If these ducts are compromised, then there can be pain and other health issues. It is a place where these procedures can be performed with safety but very low cost for the doctors and patients alike. For this purpose, we constructed a single-use Sphincterotome. They are special instruments that allow doctors to perform Sphincterotomy procedures easier and better. GRIT Single-use disposable Sphincterotomes are intended to be used once only. This ensures no possibility of germs or deleterious bacteria transferring from one patient to the other. It has greatly reduced the chances of infections, which is quite a plus in the case of hospitals— On top of it, and since they are meant to be one-time use only, doctors will not have to spend more time cleaning and sterilizing their tools after every use. It allows them to do more procedures in 1 day so everyone wins.
ERCP — endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography — A complex procedure that physicians use to observe the Bile Ducts, Pancreas, and Gallbladder. It requires specialized equipment such as a Sphincterotome which is needed to carry out the facility. We also know at GRIT that cost is an important measure for hospitals and clinics. It is why our single-use Sphincterotomes are priced as low as feasible but still maintaining cleanest and most sterile standards. She noted that their disposable Sphincterotomes are pre-sterilized, sterile right out of the package. They are individually dipped, so highly convenient to package and transport. This protect the organic cotton sheets from getting dirty before they are put to use. These single-use Sphincterotomes allow doctors to reduce time spent cleaning tools. Hospitals are then able to spend less time, money and resources on the identified patients, in an efficient manner that helps more people in need.
Sphincterotomy — This is an invasive procedure which involves cutting of the muscle around the bile ducts. This may alleviate symptoms of some diseases, such as pancreatitis and gallstones. This GRIT ენდოსკოპიური დაჭერის ინსტრუმენტი is usually done by reusing the quickie equipment that needs a thorough cleaning and sterilize after each use. Until now Sphincterotomy was being done with the help of conventional cannula but GRIT has revolutionary and much better way to do it using single use Sphincterotomes.
Designed for precision and accuracy, our single-use Sphincterotomes This is improving the system as they are designed to perform effortlessly which, in turn, makes it possible for doctors to carry out the procedure quickly and efficiently. The Sphincterotome is used only once, obviating the need for cleaning and sterilization between uses. Not only is this a time saver but it also prevents wasting precious resources — good for both parties.
In addition, our Sphincterotomes are individually packed and pre-sterilized, so it can help you to keep clean with a box. Healthcare workers and patients stand to benefit from use of single-use Sphincterotomes which can dramatically lower the chance of infection. At GRIT, ალიგატორის დაჭერის პინცეტის მწარმოებელი ensuring patient safety remains our number one priority and we take this duty very seriously.
Our facility has more than Single use sphincterotomes sqm of buildings that have been standardised. This ensures that each product is manufactured according to international standards.
Offering a Single use sphincterotomes range of digestive, respiratory and urinary solutions, that are close to clinical needs, to provide physicians with reliable and safe products to help patients recover health.
Utilizing an Single use sphincterotomes system we efficiently manage production ensure rapid development output and allow for rapid introduction of new products to the market
The core team is a strong combination of execution capability, the ability to innovate and rich experience and have separate Single use sphincterotomes.