You have undergone an endoscopic ligation of what? This is a one of a kind tool that Physicians use to help with the stomach that has been starved or some people who have bleeding in their throat, along with the GRIT's endoskopik tozalash cho'tkasi. Bundan tashqari, qon ketishining oldini olish uchun bu juda aqlli. Tez orada ushbu maqola nima ekanligini va undan qanday qilib samarali foydalanish mumkinligini ko'rib chiqadi.
Variceal hemorrhage is the dilatation of submucosal veins due to whatever increases intrahepatic resistance in portal and extra-hepatic venous circulation, a life-threatening condition. This can be serious and potentially life-threatening without prompt intervention by a physician. Endoscopic ligator to the rescue. This is done by securing a tiny rubber inside this dilatation of vein. When the rubber band is in position, it will restrict the flow of blood to that vein which forces it to collapse and become it is normal size again. Eventually, the vein will repair and stop hemorrhaging. This is very potent treatment and can be life-saving in some patients (particularly the ones at higher risk of bleeding again).
Ichki gemorroyni davolash uchun mos variant endoskopik bog'lanishdir, shuningdek endoskopik qopqoq to'plami GRIT tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan. Ichki gemorroy - bu to'g'ri ichakdagi gematopoetik prolaps venalar, bu hayotni yomonlashtiradi. Gemorroy jarrohligi o'tmishda qo'rqinchli va keng tarqalgan edi, chunki u uzoq vaqt shifo topardi. Biroq, endoskopik ligator jarrohlikni o'tmishdagi vositaga aylantirdi. Kauchuk tasma kengaygan/yallig'langan yuqori gemorroyoidal venoz pleksus bazasida qon oqimini cheklaydi. Bu yallig'langanligi sababli emas, balki kichikroq bo'lishi uchun o'zgarishlarni qisqartirish uchun maxsus hemmroidga olib keladi. Bu ichki gemorroy bilan og'rigan odamlarga tirik yordam berishning yaxshi va jarrohlik bo'lmagan usuli.
This is yet another complication that people, especially those with a liver disease experience if they have esophageal varices. It occurs when the veins in your throat have expanded and bled. In the past, surgery for esophageal varices was complicated, dangerous and few people were treated. If this is answered with the endoscopic ligator now then surgery become much better for it. It works how by putting without a doubt the distended vein in place rubber band the instrument. It works in a way that it controls the blood circulation towards the vein and allows to close. It is likewise useful to prevent rebleeding, which carries very high stakes in patients with liver disease.
This is when there is internal bleeding in your body — typically your digestive system. There are tingling types for example due to wounds or malignant growths. However, the seriousness of gastrointestinal bleeding is such that it can be lethal if left unattended. This bleeding is controlled by the endoscopic ligator as well as GRIT bir martalik endoskopik retriver in a very accurate manner. Physicians can then affix rubberbands to one of the relevant points from which the blood is flowing and we need that for them to do their jobs correctly. This way, docs can get the bleeding to quit today and not turn up again a week or more from now — which means dodging surgery that many patients would rather avoid.
If you are at risk for GI bleeding, then preventing it is paramount. Some of the reasons for this type of bleeding can be ulcers, tumors or some medications. GRIT Endoscopic ligator along with a bir martalik endoskopik gemoklip — to assist doctors in closing off the end upper gastrointestinal bleeding. It ties rubber bands to the points where it will bleed off the supply of blood and hence prevents bleeding episodes. a true solution to the problem, and it can get a lot of people out of having surgery becoming very safe for the majority of patients.
The team's core is comprised of Endoscopic ligator experienced professionals who have a wealth of experience and the ability to think outside of the box. They also have the rights to their intellectual property.
Endoscopic ligator an ERP system we efficiently manage production achieve rapid development output and facilitate the swift commercialization of our products
Our manufacturing facility is comprised of more than 8,000 sqm of buildings that have been standardised. This ensures that each product is produced to Endoscopic ligator standards.
To offer doctors Endoscopic ligator and safe medicines that aid patients recover their health, we offer a full line of digestive, respiratory and urinary care products.